Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Joy of Singing Group

Well we finished up another great round of Joy of Singing Group classes last night. Everyone did so well! The focus of the class was on reconnecting to yourself energetically and maintaining that connection while singing. What does that mean?I hear you ask. Well, connecting to yourself energetically basically begins with remembering how to feel into your body. This becomes very easy when we apply a simple meditation designed specifically to help you feel your body and leave your thoughts behind. Through this meditation we are able to feel the body more deeply, and reconnect to ourselves. From here, we are in a good position to begin singing.

Unfortunately most us tend to spend most of our time up in our minds thinking, this can create a numbness in the body. If we sing from here we are denying ourselves the true joy that singing can be.

Over the six weeks everyone one was able to reconnect to themselves and sing from their connection. Not only this, but everyone was able to recognise the difference between how they felt when they were connected and how that changed so drastically when they lost their connection to themselves and how this affected their singing.

When we are connected to ourselves, there is no self-consciousness, or self doubt, fear, or judgment. We are free to simply enjoy the experience of singing.

From my of point of view, there was a major difference between the quality of singing and performance when we were able to stay with ourselves as opposed to when we left ourselves energetically. Some of the things that were very noticeable to me were - the tone was much more beautiful and easy to listen to, there was no harshness in the sound, their was no trying or reaching, the notes were more accurate, the upper range easier to achieve, there was no self consciousness, timing and phrasing were much better and the performance was believable. There was a feeling that the words were coming directly from the heart of the person singing without the interference of the head, giving it a very real quality. Really lovely! Very easy and enjoyable to listen to, feel and watch. Good on you guys!

To find out more about Singing Lessons in Melbourne follow this link.

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